The bouquet includes: The unique sunflower bouquet includes sunflower, green hydrangeas, camellia, violet hyacinth, yellow chamomile, yellow gypsophila, oriole grass, orange blooming rose, violet carnation.
Substance: The heads of sunflowers and daisies are made of silk cloth, and the eucalyptus stems and decorative green leaves are made of high-grade plastic. You can adjust the height of the bouquet by cutting the stems to meet your diverse needs.
Realistic appearance: These fake sunflowers have bright colors and full blooms, and no watering is required. They are like energetic suns, which can bring you a good mood every day.
Maintenance-free: This mixed flower bouquet is perfect for people who like all kinds of flowers but don't have time to care for them. They do not need watering, no matter how they are placed, they can bring vitality to your space all year round.
Perfect decoration: Fake bouquets are very suitable for wedding bouquets, including corsages, bridal bouquets and bridesmaid bouquets. They can also be used for party or home decoration. They are gorgeous choices for fall decor.